Helen McNulty
Artist, Creative Business Mentor, Storyteller
based in Wicklow, Ireland – serving Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland
For many years I have been what some call a multi-potentialite, which is a lovely term for a person who does a lot of things. There is an even nicer and cooler term for it; a Neo Generalist, which I like because I always wanted to be Neo something.
The truth is I am an endlessly curious person who has an insatiable appetite for knowledge and who likes then to share that with others in a way that can help them make sense of what it is they are trying to achieve or what it is they are about.
I do these things in a few different ways, through making art – paintings and drawings, stories and comedy shows; through training and mentoring businesses across Ireland as a member of the team in The Entrepreneurs Academy and by writing letters to people on two different lists. One is a list of people who want some creative or artistic bursts into their inbox, and this one is called Helen’s World. The other is Make Your Message list – a list where I send nuggets of business information and lovely resources to work with.
For many years I have struggled to combine and come to terms with all these strands of self and didn’t how they connected. Now I see that they are connected by curiosity, humour and my own grounding in trying every day to see how to think differently about how the world could be.
Thank you for visiting.
If you want to work with me, email a request to hello[at]helenmcnulty.com
Helen xox
creative work
i make paintings, stories and songs. I also make people laugh.
storyteller, artist and funny person.
I help people find joy and discover their own light through the alchemy of art.
marketing mentor
i have a bespoke service called ‘make your message’
business consultant, marketing consultant and mentor
I help small businesses to think and act like a marketer and to find creative solutions to their business plans. I also run Planning Workshops to help get clarity on your goals for your business.
twice weekly newsletter
every tuesday and friday expect a little drop of inspiration in your inbox.
“Thanks Helen ! I really look forward to ALL your Emails . You are such an inspiration and they always make me smile and ponder !! Life is so wonderful”
Mark W, Dublin.
I am delighted to support the rewilding project at Dunsany Nature Reserve in Co. Meath. Irish Trees are planting trees in the estate as gifts in a wonderful effort to help people to be a small part of a solution in making a better future for our children. More information on the initiative is on www.irishtrees.ie
Wicklow Mountains, Ireland
Coming Soon...