I Spy With My Little Eye
From a Diary in March 2007 (edited 2020)

I Spy. by Helen McNulty

Stoney-eyed head peeped out of bed at 3 in the morning.

I am a soldier entrenched,
Scrambling upwards to fight for an unknown and powerful master.

A battle between brain and brawn arises
In the damp.

Bloodshot bagged peepers
Pretending to be asleep.

The Now never ends.

Sit up straight,

Keep occupied.

I Spy With My Little Eye Something Beginning With ‘W’.


…weary watery wintry warm weather whimper weep wail washed wasted wanton wanker will this ever cease why can’t i achieve these things in life that others do when does this sleeplessness end what is rest who can help
Woman waits wearily wanting wishing we were worthy of wonderful work
Wounded woeful wronged wrestling wretched wry worthless worries
Witty words withdraw wholly whipped weakened by world of WAGs
Wandering wading watching waiting wakeful for wages and wins
While woe waits in the wings for wives of the wicked.
Whimpering warehouses wording womanhood with wooing wishes
Working witchcraft with wallets whereupon
We work wistfully whiling winsome wants
to wade waters wet with wretched wriggling worms wallowing waywardly with waste
Women waste wage wardrobing walls with worldly wares to wreak wrath on waists and watching wankers.
When Wrights win, wayward weapons will wane
Workmanship will weave webs which will whittle wearisome weltering ways
Whetting wanton wilful wishes
Wielding wise words
Witnessing witty whims,
Wonderful wizardry worshiped weekly.
What the ?

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